Then I just rode up the main rode to the top of the "Cow Canyon" ride and kept on going. I hit the pine forest around noon and took advantage of the scenery to stop for lunch.
I finally got a look at the top of Peavine after realizing I had been looking at the false summit for a while. I was surprised by how far I had to go yet.

In the picture on the right you can see the radio towers on the very top of the mtn.
I finally reached the summit a bit before 2pm - 3 1/2 hours after leaving home!

Now it was time for some "screaming downhill", but I wanted to be sure to catch the "Bacon Strip", so I ended up stopping a lot to check out my position (as best I could). I even ended up riding back up the mtn about 20 minutes to find my best shot at hitting the right road. But I did find it and then enjoyed some wonderful single-track back out to McCarran. I met another mtn biker, John, who offered to take this picture:

Looking back up I was amazed at how fast I dropped vertical, and how fast the day was slipping by.

I got home just after 4pm, almost 6 hours out, 31 miles and 5100 vertical feet. And I came home to find my trusted dog waiting for me.

The loop: