We took our second "annual" New Year's trip to Lost Trail Lodge (we didn't go last year because of the blizzard). We were accompanied by Hans Moosmuller and his boys Urs and Cedar, as well as the Brackney clan. The drive up on Friday was exciting, as we left in a rainstorm and by the time we got to Truckee it was snowing and the traffic as almost stopped on I-80. Luckily we all exited at "Central Truckee" and bypassed the rest of I-80 (it was still very slow going in Truckee). We got to the trailhead around 1:00 and Dave Robertson showed up with the snowmobiles to haul in our gear just as we were ready to head in.

The trail was very well packed down from the snowmobiles, so some of us skied and the others walked in. The snowshoes really weren't necessary even though it snowed on and off for the entire hike (4 miles).

We made pretty good time, stopping for a snack half way and trying to get Bridger to sit on the sled that Yuki was pulling.
We got to the Lodge around 3:00 and had a late lunch of soup, cheese and crackers and then just settled in. We were joined by two couples (Kelly and Wayne, Erika and Jonathan) just as it started to get dark and the proprietors (Dave, Lisa and JP) started to worry about going out to look for them.
Of course darkness didn't keep the boys inside.

Then I took advantage of the great kitchen and made a five pound lamb roast with veggies and a smaller tri-tip. It was the first roast I've made and since it was devoured, I guess it came out okay.

After dinner, we all just relaxed and enjoyed the warmth of the fire and each other's company.

It snowed on and off most of the evening and in to the night, but Saturday dawned clear and Jeff and I went out for a little ski tour. We went up the drainage a bit and then turned off to the south and climbed towards the old "Wood Camp". After about a thousand feet we took the skins off, took some pictures and skied back to the lodge and breakfast. I was happy to have Truckee out with us (and Yuki) and to watch her enjoy herself in the snow.

Jeff seemed to enjoy the skiing.
The trickiest part of the ski: crossing the "bridge" back to the lodge.

After breakfast and a little relaxing the Brackneys and Fiore Boys got dressed to go out again and searched for the mystical ice wall. We didn't find it, but we did find a fun sledding hill.

We decided to give up on the hunt for the ice wall and just enjoyed some sledding. I quickly removed the poles that Yuki uses to pull the sled and viola, a play sled.
Before dinner Hans and I went back out for a ski run off the ridge in front of the lodge where he and his boys skied while we were searching for the ice wall. We enjoyed the view and great weather from the top.

We definitely enjoyed skiing down the steeper north facing chutes in some surprisingly good snow.

Looking back, we saw a beautiful rock formation.

Everyone enjoyed some relaxation, with the boys challenging each other and Kelly to chess matches.

Joy made a lovely sausage and bowtie dinner with a great salad and Anna baked scrumptious brownies for dessert.
Sunday morning Hans, Urs and I got up early and did a pre-breakfast ski on the slopes where Hans and I skied Saturday. It was 5 degrees below zero (F) when we left the cabin! The climb warmed us up nicely though and we thoroughly enjoyed our ski run down off the ridge and back to the cabin.

When we got back, Cedar had already started making a fantastic breakfast for everyone (with some help from Treyson).

We took our time packing up and had a pleasant hike back to the car with beautiful weather (quite a change from Friday - weather wise).
The departing group picture:

The Fiore's:

Bridger had fun catching rides from Yuki, and Yuki didn't seem to mind the full sled at all (he was pulling out our gear too - no snowmobile helping on the way out).
I don't think Jeff and Hans enjoyed pulling the sleds as much as Yuki did.

We got to the cars by 3:00 and had an easy drive home. As great as the trip was, it's always nice to be home!
Here's a slideshow of all the pictures and videos.