Friday, January 30, 2009

Price Ridge 1/30/2009

The high pressure has returned, making for some great weather, but the powder is going to go fast! So I decided to go out to my old standby for retaining powder: Price Peak off the Tahoe Meadows. I was supposed to meet John Swanson(ER doc) and Janet (ER nurse) around 9:00 up at the Meadows, but I woke before 6:00 and decided to head up early and meet them out there. Yuki and I got one run in and a partial run off Chickadee Ridge before meeting them. We took one run together, straight down the ridge, earlier than usual and had great snow. Unfortunately Yuki disappeared on the way back up, just before he got to the top. I skied down and eventually found him (he found me). Then he refused to go up again so we skied down and toured out. I’m going to have to chose his ski days carefully.

Some photos (a slide show):

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