From there we went back up and skied down along Eric and Paul’s first run and then cut over to the ridge to drop down to Donner Lake. There was a well worn track over there with plenty of skiers and boarders cutting over from the top of the Judah lift. We had a pleasant run down to the tracks, followed them to the right/east to the next tunnel and then decided to climb up to the ridge for one more short run. It was the best snow of the day, so I suggested that one group run the car shuttle while another (Me, Lynn and Scotty) do another lap. We skied further to the east, coming out on the east end of the tunnel before joining most of the other tracks. We only waited about 15 min’s to be picked up by Dave.
On the way home we had an interesting discussion about the decisions we made (not knowing ahead of time that Eric and Paul didn’t have beacons, continuing anyway, splitting up, the line we chose off Judah, splitting up skiing down Donner and climbing back up, then three of us squeezing in a last lap).
Some pictures courtesy of Davide.
Hiking along Mt Judah's Summit Ridge:
Looking at the cornice and an older fracture line (scary!):
Josh getting turns:
Eric checks out the snow:

Helmet cam:
1 comment:
This sounds like an interesting adventure, Dave, and the photos and videos give me the sense that it's still very much "winter" skiing there. I'm glad you got the chance to do the D-to-D, since I know you've talked about that route for a long time. Also, here's a link to a video clip that you might enjoy: As it turns out, Rich Landers, the narrator, is my brother-in-law's cousin. Cheers.
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