Monday, March 16, 2009

S***y Mountain, NY

I got a "free day" while up in Saratoga helping my Dad recover from his eye surgery (still not sure how successful it was), so after emailing back and forth with "Freedan" from T-tips and doing some research, I headed up towards Indian Lake to ski the Slides . Dan gave me great directions, so I only drove past the trailhead a couple of times before pulling over and getting going. I started up around 10:30 and reached the bottom of the slides by 11:15, another 45 min's and I was up on top of S***y Mtn looking for a vantage for a good photo of the High Peaks to the north. Unfortunately all I could see was more trees all around me. So I made my way back to the slide, which wasn't easy to find from above, and enjoyed the corn. I did two runs on the main slide and one on a slightly smaller slide, but which was much less skied from yesterday. Each time I went above the slide and was amazed at how hard they are to see from above or the side. On my last climb I found an interesting frozen waterfall that I had to take a few picgtures of. After three runs and lunch I skied back out the the car thoroughly happy with my day.

Here is the slideshow:

And a short video of my skiing. First, skiing the trees to get to the Slide:

Here I am skiing the Slide, notice how well hidden it is:

(NB - edited to remove the name of the mtn since learning that one doesn't reveal "secret" slides when back East)


Justin Winter said...

Pretty cool Dave! Not Sierra corn, but looks fun.

John Eliason said...

Thanks for sharing, Dave, and you displayed deft tree-whacking technique while accessing the slide.

Looks like pretty country, there.
